Everybody loves a comp’
Everybody loves competitons. Prize Draws, Tie breakers, Lotteries. They get people excited, they’re challenging and above all, they’re fun. A competition adds a little spice to a person’s day. Even though the chances of winning are slight, it still...
Being more co-operative
By recommending other suppliers and letting them recommend you, it is possible to reach a rich source of new customers effortlessly and completely free of charge.

Talk and they will listen
Many people either don’t consider public speaking as a marketing tool, or are daunted by the idea of standing up in front of others. And yet, like any skill, public speaking can be mastered with a structured approach and training.

Who are you blaming for slow sales?
Let’s face it – when a business is failing it’s natural to want to lay blame. Unfortunately, if you blame your competitors, partners, suppliers, staff or processes then it’s tantamount to admitting that YOU failed. So who gets the blame – ‘demand’!